Monster Hunter Rise PC Date Announced, Sunbreak Info Released
Capcom announced that the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise will release on January 12, 2022. Preceding the PC launch of the game — which released for Nintendo Switch earlier this year — a free demo will be made available via Steam on October 13, 2021. The PC launch version will come with all content released on the Switch version through to the end of November 2021. It will include 4K resolution and ultrawide support, plus uncapped framerates and high-resolution textures.
The company also provided some extra details on recently announced expansion Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which will release in summer 2022. The expansion includes a new storyline and new base of operations, as well as new locations, new monsters, a new quest rank, and new gameplay features. Players will need to have completed the 7-star Hub Quest called “Serpent Goddess of Thunder” to access Sunbreak’s content. Capcom confirmed that Sunbreak’s flagship monster is Malzeno, the dragon that appears in its announcement trailer, and that it will also feature Monster Hunter 2′s Shogun Ceanataur.
Monster Hunter Rise is the latest mainline title in the series. The game includes two new major gameplay features — Wyvern Riding and the vertical-movement-assisting Wirebug — while Palamutes join Felynes as support-based companions. It also adds the Rampage, a gameplay mode where players are tasked with defending the village from numerous monsters attacking at once with assistance from defensive emplacements. Those looking to read more about the game can check out Phil Willis’s review of the Nintendo Switch version.
PC Screenshots and Trailer
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