Death end re;Quest 2 Characters Detailed

Idea Factory International provided some details on the major characters in Compile Heart’s Death end re;Quest 2. Eight characters are detailed, with their character art also released.

Mai Toyama in a girl living at the Wordsworth Women’s Dormitory, an orphanage in the city of Le Choara. She is often quite gloomy and is intelligent but lacks formal education, which can lead to unexpected outbursts. She is currently searching for her younger sister. Rotten Dollheart is another resident of the dormitory. She is known as “Rottie” and is known to be caring and curious. Liliana Pinnata also lives at the dormitory, and believes her father’s death was caused by demonic possession. She ended up being abused by her mother, who was unable to deal with her father’s passing, and is fairly  eloquent. Shina Ninomiya is a former game designer (and one of the protagonists of Death end re;Quest). She is currently searching for her former colleague Arata, who has gone missing.

Midra is the Headmistress of Wordsworth and also head chairperson of Le Choara itself. She is thus one of the city’s most important people. Julietta is head of Le Choara’s childcare department and is in charge of finding homes for orphaned children. Arata Mizunashi is Shina’s former co-worker who developed a VR system for his latest game. He disappears with his last message to Shina mentioning Le Choara. Finally, Lydia Nolan also used to work with Shina and Arata as a character designer. She is a self-proclaimed otaku.

Death end re;Quest 2 was released in Japan for PlayStation 4 in February 2020. The game is set to be released in North America and Europe for PlayStation 4 and PC sometime in 2020.


Alex Fuller

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Acting Editor-in-Chief in 2018.

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