The Use of Life Gets New Early Access Update

Publisher Playism and solo developer Daraneko released a new Early Access update for gamebook-style RPG The Use of Life. The update adds the final chapter of Misha route, which features two endings unlockable after defeating two different final bosses.

The Use of Life follows main character Goshe on a fantasy adventure, with his choices impacting his attributes, resources, status, and those he encounters. The game’s multiple endings are intended to be neither outright good nor bad. Combat is command-based with QTE elements, while certain events use dice rolls to determine their outcomes. The Use of Life is currently available on Steam Early Access, with a demo version also downloadable from the game’s Steam page.




Mohamed Lamine Coulibaly

Fascinated by the screens since I saw them, video games are a sorcery I quickly become obsessed with. This passion culminated with the discovery of the RPGs. At that time, they were likely the sole titles where story and world building mattered as more as gameplay. Now, I am, writing about them, especially my favorite ones: the JRPGs!

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