SacriFire Gets Gameplay Trailer, Playtest Available

During the Future Games Show Summer Showcase 2024, developer and publisher Pixelated Milk released a new trailer for its upcoming RPG SacriFire. The minute-long video showcases snippets of gameplay and indicates playtest for the game is currently underway. Those wishing to take part in the playtest must go on the title’s Steam page and “request access”. The playtest will be available until June 24, 2024.

SacriFire follows Ezekiel Ridan, a soldier attempting to work his way into an elite group within the Church of Sheol while keeping the underground city of Antioch safe from the demons above. The game’s combat is a mixture of real-time and turn-based, with players able to string attack chains together. It underwent a successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in 2021 and is planned to release on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, but does not currently have a release window.



Mohamed Lamine Coulibaly

Fascinated by the screens since I saw them, video games are a sorcery I quickly become obsessed with. This passion culminated with the discovery of the RPGs. At that time, they were likely the sole titles where story and world building mattered as more as gameplay. Now, I am, writing about them, especially my favorite ones: the JRPGs!

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