Daemon X Machina Gets Competitive Multiplayer

A free update enabling competitive multiplayer inĀ Daemon X Machina is now live. Players can connect and battle either through local communications or the internet. In Battle Mode, players can fight in one-on-one battles or team up with another player to go two-on-two. There is also the option to select a friend from the Friend List and move into a room.

Battles come in two varieties: Ranked Match Play and Custom Match Play. In Ranked Match Play, people will compete for the highest ranks under a standard ruleset, while in Custom Match Play, players can duke it out on their own terms.

In co-op play while online, a player can challenge another player to a duel by attacking them before they return to Home Base and end their mission. The duel officially starts when the attacked party returns fire. Up to four players can engage in the battle.

To enjoy the online additions of the update, players must have a Nintendo Switch Online membership. Daemon X Machina is available worldwide on the Nintendo Switch.

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