Tagged: Rain of Reflections

Rain of Reflections’ First Chapter Out Now

After a couple of delays, the first chapter of Rain of Reflections is now available on Steam. The game takes place in a dystopian future after the world’s populace is mysteriously made infertile, with the first chapter following the scientist Wilona.

Rain of Reflections Demo Impression

The first chapter of Rain of Reflections is set to release this September. Developer Lionbite Games gave RPGamer access to a demo of the game, showcasing its mixture of point-and-click-style adventure and turn-based, stealth-focused encounters.

Rain of Reflections Receives First Gameplay Trailer

Lionbite Games’ has provided the first gameplay footage for its upcoming title Rain of Reflections. The sci-fi adventure RPG will cover multiple chapters, with the first due to be released in the coming months.