Tagged: Crimson Desert

Crimson Desert Gets Late 2025 Release Window

Pearl Abyss revealed that Crimson Desert will launch in around a year’s time. The action RPG will be available on PC, Mac, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

Crimson Desert Gets Fifty-Minute Gameplay Video

Pearl Abyss released a lengthy gameplay video for action RPG Crimson Desert. The fifty-minute video shows some of the landscapes of Pywel as well as the game’s combat and narrative elements.

Crimson Desert Gets Gameplay Trailer

Pearl Abyss’s Crimson Desert has resurfaced with a new trailer. The open-world action RPG still doesn’t have a release date, but RPGamers can see some of what awaits them in Pywel.

Crimson Desert Gets New Developer Diary Videos

Pearly Abyss put out a couple of developer diary videos for Crimson Desert. The videos offer an overview of the game and commentary on its most recent trailer.

Crimson Desert Gets New Trailer

The debut gameplay footage for Pearl Abyss’ Crimson Desert has emerged. The game is expected to launch for PC and consoles towards the end of 2021.

Pearl Abyss Announces New MMORPGs

Pearl Abyss had plenty to announce at the G-STAR 2019 trade show in Korea. The company announced three new MMORPGs as well as a multiplayer arena fighter.