RPGCast – Episode 655 : “You Kick Puppies!”

Phil Willis is back and while he’s not Chris, he plays him on the podcast. Anna Marie is wondering why her cat, Scamper, is losing his mind. Kelley is compensating for suck, and we’re all anxiously awaiting the launch of Pokémon this week.

Question of the Week
How much time between a game’s announcement and release do you prefer?

Check out the show notes here!


Kelley Ryan

Kelley's three favorite things in this world are cats, heavy metal music, and RPGs. They are happily married to their best friend, and enjoys other hobbies like drawing, painting miniatures, and reading.

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3 Responses

  1. Krull Krull says:

    QotW: When it comes to time between announcement and release, I like variety. I love a good shadow drop, when something is released out of nowhere, but it would be dull if we never had a chance of anticipation. Anything up to a couple of years is good – again as long as not everything takes that long.

    Metroid Prime 4, though, is stretching my patience!

  2. I prefer a year before releases. A shadow drop for small announcements is fine, but I tend to forget games that release in a short amount of time. A year before a release also makes me feel less harried about playing through my backlog.

    Anything above two years is excessive, although it’s understandable if a game’s release gets pushed back.

  3. Shaymin Shaymin says:

    QotW: My sweet spot between announcement and release is six months so I can plan playtime and make sure I have the funds set aside if needed.

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