Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Announced

Square Enix posted its Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary Celebration video, providing multiple project announcements. To start off the video, presented by Final Fantasy Brand Manager Yoshinori Kitase, the company announced that Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade releases on Steam on June 17, 2022. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade was released for PlayStation 5 and PC (via the Epic Games Store) in 2021 as an upgraded version of 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake. It includes Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode Intermission, an additional story chapter featuring Yuffie Kisaragi. The game is confirmed to be playable to Steam Deck.

The video also showcased numerous pieces of merchanise surrounding Final Fantasy VII, before showing some of its mobile titles, including the season 3 content for online battle royale title Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. It also featured a new trailer for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, which covers the events of the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, including the original Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. Ever Crisis will undergo a closed beta test in 2022.

In its penultimate reveal, the video unveiled Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion. The game is a remaster of PlayStation Portable title Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, which is a prequel to the original Final Fantasy VII focusing on SOLDIER Zack Fair and some of the events leading up to Final Fantasy VII. The remaster will include HD graphics and character models, full voice acting, and a rearranged soundtrack. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion will release this winter for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

Finally, Square Enix announced the much awaited Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The game is the second part in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project. It will be released for PlayStation 5 in late 2023, with Square Enix confirming that the project will consist of three titles in total. The game kicks off with the trailer hinting towards events surrounding Sephiroth in the past and Cloud’s unreliable memory of it. Messages from Creative Director Tetsuya Nomura, Director Naoki Hamaguchi, and Producer Yoshinori Kitase can be found following the videos below.


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Steam Release


Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis Trailer


Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Screenshots and Trailer



Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Screenshots and Trailer



Full Video


Message from Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Creative Director Tetsuya Nomura

As revealed on the broadcast, there are currently four Final Fantasy VII projects being developed in parallel. Although each of the four titles plays a different role, they are all connected through the high-quality depictions of Final Fantasy VII’s world and characters. As someone who was involved with the development of each and every one of the original titles, I deeply understand the vision and thoughts behind each project, and I am actively involved in the development process for all four titles.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is being designed so that people can enjoy this game whether they know the original game or not. In fact, new players might even enjoy starting their Final Fantasy VII journey with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Cloud and his friends embark on a new journey in this game, and I believe that the scenes that they witness after leaving Midgar will give players a fresh, new experience. I can’t wait to share the intention behind naming the first title, “Remake,” and the second title, “Rebirth.” In time, I hope to reveal what the third title will be called, and where this journey will ultimately lead.

The development of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has been progressing rapidly since we adopted a new development structure. A title of this scale in which everything is interconnected even before production began is truly rare. In fact, some development has already begun on the third title. I myself have started on the development and am working towards the completion of the series.

We will work to deliver this title to fans with the same amount of enthusiasm from now until we reach the finish line. In the meantime, please enjoy the other 25th anniversary projects that further expand the world of Final Fantasy VII.


Message from Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Director Naoki Hamaguchi

I am overjoyed that we are able to announce Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and I feel a strong sense of duty to deliver the ultimate Final Fantasy VII experience to all the fans eagerly awaiting this game. The development has already entered full production and the team is highly motivated in putting everything together on the project and working to create a finished game. The Final Fantasy VII remake project will be a three-part trilogy, but Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is much more than just one installment in the series. We are developing it with all of the passion and dedication needed to create an original game and plan to deliver the ultimate gameplay and world building experience. Trust me, it will be worth the wait!


Message from Final Fantasy VII Remake Series Producer Yoshinori Kitase

We have officially announced that the second title Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released next winter, approximately three years after the original Final Fantasy VII Remake released in April 2020. Three years may feel like a long time for all the fans who are eagerly awaiting the next game, but we want to offer the best experience possible and reassure everyone that development is proceeding at an astonishingly fast pace for such a large-scale HD title. Making the middle part of a trilogy has its own challenges, but there are plenty of classic second installments in the world of film that are defined by stunning story twists and deeper explorations of their characters. Often these second installments become a favorite amongst the fans. In the same vein, we are aiming to make Final Fantasy VII Rebirth an even more gripping and memorable experience than Final Fantasy VII Remake, so please wait a little longer while we finish up.


Alex Fuller

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Acting Editor-in-Chief in 2018.

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