Watch the Last Stand of a Legendary Exo in Destiny 2’s Latest Trailer
With Destiny 2‘s latest expansion right around the corner, Bungie has dispensed a hefty plot relevant trailer that will lead into the events of Forsaken. Readers should beware that both the trailer and following details may contain spoilers.
The trailer begins in an abandoned facility, where Cayde 6 emerges from under some rubble and finds himself surrounded by Scorn elders and grunts. The Exo Hunter, this time voiced by Nolan North, fights through waves of enemies using an array of abilities fans of the series will recognize. The numbers prove too much and Cayde 6 says his final farewells before the trailer concludes.
Destiny 2: Forsaken will launch September 4, 2018, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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