Tagged: Pixel Noir

Video Round-Up (April 21, 2024)

The latest batch of video content on RPGamer is in. This time dive into reviews for Blade Prince Academy, Pixel Noir, and Unicorn Overlord, while also checking out an Adventure Corner for Molly the Werezompire & Epiphany in Spaace! and the beta impression of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Pixel Noir Review

Noir and Lovecraft should be a match made in heaven. But does Sam Wachter survive her visit to Pinnacle City? Or do the tentacle monsters know as glitches impede her escape?

Pixel Noir Gets February Full Release Date

Pixel Noir is finally ready to exit Early Access. After a final last-minute delay, SWDTech’s detective RPG will fully launch on Steam in a few weeks.

Pixel Noir Gets April Release Window

After three years in Early Access, Pixel Noir has narrowed down a release window. Players still have a good number of months to get their case files in order, however.

Pixel Noir Gets Early Access Date

Crime, deceit, and bleak realities await players in Pinnacle City, but uncovering the truth may be the hardest pill to swallow for The Detective. RPGamers eager to solve cold-cases in SWDTech’s Pixel Noir will get an Early Access version in April.

Pixel Noir Heads to Switch

Another indie RPG developer has determined that the Switch is where it’s at. Kickstarter-titled title Pixel Noir adds Nintendo’s console to its list of platform.