Category: RPG Backtrack

The RPG Backtrack takes some lengthy strolls down memory lane to recall RPGs from the recent past all the way back to yesteryear. Co-hosts Kelley Ryan and Matt Masem lead a raucous group of panelists who all bring opinions both positive and negative to each week’s discussion.

RPG Backtrack 331 – Time Is On Our Side

It was 30 years ago this week that RPG legends Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yuji Horii, and Akira Toriyama gave Japan (and the U.S. five months later) their legendary RPG, Chrono Trigger.  Does this beloved game hold up to the test of time?  Find out with guests Pascal, Ryan R, Wheels, and Jahwon.

RPG Backtrack 330 – Lightning Strikes Twice

We’ve got a double dose of Final Fantasy sequels this week on Backtrack.  The party in these games may dwindle down to one, but at least there are plenty of guests; including Paul, Robert, Mike, and David.  By the way, there are thirteen days before the world ends.  Have fun!

RPG Backtrack 329 – They Watched Too Much Game of Thrones

The Final Fantasy series has come a long way since its roots on the NES. The latest entry brings a darker, more mature tone to this beloved franchise.  Our panel of hosts, including Ryan C, Paul, Pascal, Wheels, and David, all join the show to debate if the Final Fantasy XVI writers watched too much Game of Thrones.

RPG Backtrack 328 – V-Tubers, ENGAGE!

Nintendo’s latest entry in the Fire Emblem series gave us a colorful cast of characters, along with some classics returning in the form of rings. Josh and Cassandra join the cast to talk about the fine art of polishing rings in the middle of combat.

RPG Backtrack 325 – Get in the Sky Armor Glenn

It’s time for RPG Backtrack’s season finale for 2024, so let’s go out with some retro-inspired fun.  Chained Echoes was touted as a throwback to RPG Classics when it released in 2022.  Pascal dons his Sky Armor with the rest of the gang to see if this indie game holds up to its 16-bit forefathers.

RPG Backtrack 324 – My Immortal

The XBox 360 was a JRPG treasure trove in its early days thanks to Microsoft’s attempt to appeal to the east. When they got Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy to make a few games, we paid attention. On this week’s show, Pascal, Wheels, and Ryan M. gain immortality while discussing Lost Odyssey.

RPG Backtrack 321 – Crossbell Traffic

The Kiseki series took fans to the countries of Librel and Erebonia, but the Crossbell region had been noticeably absent in the series’ official localizations. NIS America finally brought Trails from Zero to the west in 2022, to the joy of many Kiseki fans, and we have Josh, Sam, and David on the show with us for our own Special Support Squad.

RPG Backtrack 320 – Secret of Duran Duran

Every RPGamer probably has a ROM labeled “Secret of Mana 2” in a long-forgotten floppy disk box in their closet. Well in 2019, it was time to give Square their money for the Mana series sequel we all wanted, now officially localized, and with a brand new HD remake.  Wheels, Scar, and Pascal join the show to celebrate that dreams really do come true.

RPG Backtrack 319 – The Ripe Old Age of Ten

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was RPGamer’s game of the year in 2022, and with a good reason.  This series has come a long way since its Wii debut, and we have Robert and Alex on to chat about this epic tale involving a war between ten-year-olds.

RPG Backtrack 318 – All These Triangles Make a Square

If you find yourself agonizing over everyday decisions, then we have the game for you! Triangle Strategy makes convincing people to vote your way fun!  Just ask Josh, Ryan C, and Wheels on this week’s show.  We are still trying to convince them that another Idea Factory special is a good idea.

RPG Backtrack 317 – Adol Goes to Jail

Adol’s adventures continue on this week’s Backtrack, as our red-haired hero ends up behind bars.  Did his constant ship-wrecking finally catch up with him?  Find out on this week’s show with Josh, Robert, and Wheels.

RPG Backtrack 315 – Dungeon Crawlers Anonymous

Are you tired of rubbing barely clothed monster girls on your PlayStation Vita? Do you miss the stark, monochrome glow of an Apple II running Wizardry?  Dalandar, SpareHombres, and Wheels join the dungeon crawler support group, and have a good cry as their cleric turns to ash.

RPG Backtrack 314 – Cold Steel Finale

On this week’s backtrack, we bring a story arc that has crossed two decades, three console generations, and nine games together in one explosive finale.  Kelley, Matt, and Josh were crazy enough to finish this story.  Sounds like a Kiseki game to us.

RPG Backtrack 313 – Eight Lives A-Lived

This week’s show takes us on a journey through time and space. With Live a Live finally coming to the west in 2022, we thought it would be a great time to chat about this obscure Super Famicom port with the three Ryans (Costa, McCarthy, and Radcliff) and Wheels.