Valkyria Chronicles 4 Unveils the Centurion

Though much of the information released so far about Valkyria Chronicles 4, outside of story details, has been reconfirmation or updates to features present in the previous trilogy, Sega’s latest details about the game do reveal something new. In addition to introducing a few more characters, the company unveiled an amphibious cruiser called the Centurion.

The Centurion is the second of three such ships built by the Edinburgh Army, and takes Claude and his squad on its mission to try and capture the imperial capital. Coming in at over 230 metres long, the Centurion is equipped with an ice-breaking ram and can travel on land thanks to secret technology from the United States of Vinland.

In battle, players can request assistance from Centurion using a Ship Order. Examples of Ship Orders include highlighting enemy positions in a certain area; a small bombardment; healing and evacuating units; and an emergency vehicle repair. Ship Orders are very limited in use during battle, with new orders unlocked as the game progresses.

Sega also revealed some information about the crew of the Centurion. First is its captain, Colonel Roland Morgan, who is generally gentle but can be strict when the situation calls for it. Bryan Haddock is the Centurion’s chief navigator and considers the navy the supreme part of the armed forces. Mary Bennett is the communications officer who takes on the big sister archetype. Finally, Ruch is the ship’s tracker and is a prodigy who skipped grades on her way to graduating.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 is planned for release in Japan for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on March 21, 2018, with a Switch version arriving in summer 2018. The game is also set to be released for those same platforms in North America and Europe in 2018.



Source: Gematsu


Alex Fuller

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Acting Editor-in-Chief in 2018.

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