Tagged: Temtem

Temtem Now Available on PS5 Early Access

The Airborne Archipelago is inviting new players of all stripes to become the greatest Temtem trainer. PS5 owners can now get in on the monster-collecting MMORPG with the Early Access version.

Temtem Coming to PS5 Early Access in December

Temtem is getting a console Early Access version to join its currently ongoing Steam Early Access campaign. The PS5 Early Access version will launch in December and include cross-play with the PC version.

Temtem Console Platforms Confirmed

Temtem is an online multiplayer monster-collecting RPG. Humble Games and Crema confirmed which platforms it will launch on next year.

Kickstarter Check-In: Queen’s Wish, Temtem

RPGamer’s ad hoc Kickstarter Check-In feature returns for a look at two ongoing crowdfunding campaigns. This edition features Spiderweb Software’s Queen’s Wish: The Conquerer and Crema’s Temtem.