Tagged: Spitfire Interactive

Capes Review

Spitfire Interactive marks its debut with superhero tactical RPG Capes. While it aims to be in the big hero leagues, the game fits more in sidekick territory.

Capes Introduces Hero Ignis

Developer Spitfire and publisher Daedalic Entertainment released a new trailer showcasing another hero from their upcoming tactical RPG Capes. The video introduces former TV host Ignis and her fiery power.

Capes Set to Fly in May

Spitfire Interactive and Daedalic Entertainment revealed that superhero tactical RPG Capes is launching in a couple of months. The release window comes with a new trailer highlighting stealthy party member Rebound.

New Capes Demo Available Now

Daedalic Entertainment and Spitfire Interactive released a new Steam demo for Capes. The superhero tactical RPG is currently planned to release early next year.

Capes PAX West Impression

Tactical RPGs and interesting superhero stories should go hand-in-hand. Capes provides this combination for gamers, and RPGamer got to take a look at how things are shaping up with its PAX West demo.

Capes Publisher, Console Release Announced

Daedalic Entertainment is partnering with Spitfire Interactive for superhero strategy RPG Capes. The publishing announcement comes with news of console versions for the game.