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Unicorn Overlord is a strategy RPG with a unique and engrossing combat system. Battles take place on a large map where units move in real time, engaging in skirmishes when player and enemy units meet. While combat occurs in an automatic turn-based fashion, a lot of planning goes into battle preparation. Units are made up of up to six characters, with each leader having a different specific skill. Equipment can have various effects in battle, as can a character’s position in a unit, whether in the back or front row. Each character has three active and passive abilities, and there is a Tactics menu where skill activation conditions and strategies can be changed to suit the situation. Tactics can even be altered on the fly. It is really satisfying to see a strategy come together, or to see the different results from strategical decisions made between bouts. There is a lot of complexity for those who enjoy meticulous planning or are playing at higher difficulties. For others playing on easier difficulties or who find the complexity overwhelming, the game is still quite enjoyable even when leaving these systems alone.
Additionally, there is more to enjoy about Unicorn Overlord than just the battles. As usual for a Vanillaware title, the game looks positively gorgeous. The plot may be a familiar one, with the prince of a fallen kingdom assembling an army to liberate the continent from an evil empire, but there is a lot of rich lore surrounding the history, culture, and politics of Fevrith. There is also a wide variety of interesting and likable characters, who are further fleshed out through additional dialogues called rapport conversations. The voice acting is excellent, as is the music. It all makes for our top strategy RPG experience of 2024.
SteamWorld Heist II taps into the bright and colourful side of tactical RPGs when, too often, the genre gets lost in the dark and dreary, so it’s a delight to see this grand adventure. Through the wonderful character designs, there’s a connection to each of the characters as they plan their heists. The tactical combat always has a sense of hit and run strategy to it, as the varying objects involve much more than simply defeating all enemies. All character classes feel different and are based on what weapon is equipped, resulting in a distinct feel that only grows as characters swap between classes, creating engaging hybrids to use in the difficult but balanced maps. Ricocheting bullets and explosives that strike enemies, hazards, and blow hats off enemies lends a consistent playfulness to combat throughout the game. There’s something for everyone in this catchy, bright, and thoughtful tactical pirate adventure.
by Cassandra Ramos and Ryan Costa
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