The Game Bakers Reveals More Haven Details

Developer The Game Bakers has announced more details and released the debut gameplay trailer for its latest title, Haven. Players control a pair of lovers, Yu and Kay, who have escaped to a lost planet in their attempt to stay together. The game features a combat system that is a mixture of real-time and turn-based and involves chaining actions with tactics and timing. It is said to be story-focused with the narrative told through Yu and Kay’s daily life including cooking, eating, and sleeping, with dialogue choices that can affect what players learn about the story as well as potentially having long-term effects.

Haven is currently confirmed for release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch, though The Game Bakers has stated that other platforms may be added. The game is currently planned to be released in 2020.




Alex Fuller

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Acting Editor-in-Chief in 2018.

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