Guitar Collections FINAL FANTASY IV Giveaway

Following our Majula Frontier soundtrack giveaway last week, RPGamer has once teamed up with Scarlet Moon Records to give away four digital copies (redeemable on Bandcamp) of William Carlos Reyes’ Guitar Collections FINAL FANTASY IV, an album featuring twelve classical guitar arrangements of tracks from the classic RPG Final Fantasy IV, to lucky readers. The contest will run up until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, October 28, 2018, after which the winners will be selected and contacted.

To enter the contest, all you need to do is login to the Gleam widget below to follow RPGamer on Twitter and Twitch as well as to visit our Facebook page and the soundtrack’s Bandcamp page, where the soundtrack can be purchased by those who unfortunately do not win the giveaway. The terms and conditions can be found on the Gleam widget below and only entries registered through Gleam will be eligible to win. Best of luck to you and enjoy the giveaway. Please note that if you do win, you will need to respond to the follow-up contact to be able to receive the prize.

RPGamer would like to thank Scarlet Moon Records for providing the opportunity for the giveaway and wish luck to all those who enter.


Guitar Collections FINAL FANTASY IV Giveaway


Alex Fuller

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Acting Editor-in-Chief in 2018.

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