Edenfall: Legacy of the First Wardens Announced, Kickstarter Campaign Underway

Developer and publisher Everflux Games announced its debut title Edenfall: Legacy of the First Wardens. The game is an action RPG that blends exploration, puzzle solving, and combat. The developer cites titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and Lost Ember as inspirations.

Edenfall: Legacy of the First Wardens is set in Eden, a mystical and long forgotten realm floating above the clouds. Players take on the role of a young woman named Venya, who finds herself in Eden after experiencing a strange dream. Stranded in a world she knows nothing about, the young woman receives the teachings of spirit fox Alkina thanks to which she gains the ability to transform into various animals. It will be up to Venya to save Eden from a great threat while uncovering the secrets of this mysterious world.

Players can make use of Venya’s transformations for exploration, solving puzzles, and fighting. There are four different paths to master, each representing an aspect of Venya’s main abilities and customisable through skill trees. In human form Venya is able to cast long-range magic, as wolf she gains great physical abilities to take on enemies in close combat, turned into raccoon she can adopt a stealthier approach during battles, and her raven transformation is convenient for both scouting hidden areas and debuffing foes.

Edenfall: Legacy of the First Wardens is being developed for PC, with a release planned in 2025. Everflux Games launched a Kickstarter campaign aiming for €20,000 in funding. The campaign is set to run until July 11, 2024. Those who pledge at least €20 will receive a digital copy of the game as part of their backer rewards.



Mohamed Lamine Coulibaly

Fascinated by the screens since I saw them, video games are a sorcery I quickly become obsessed with. This passion culminated with the discovery of the RPGs. At that time, they were likely the sole titles where story and world building mattered as more as gameplay. Now, I am, writing about them, especially my favorite ones: the JRPGs!

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