Digital Store Weekly Round-Up (January 3, 2019) [Updated]
Welcome to RPGamer’s weekly digital store round-up. In this column we look to provide our readers with updates on recent releases and sales for RPGs across the digital marketplace.
[Updated on January 4 to include new Nintendo and PC sales.]
New Releases
- Xenon Valkyrie+ (Switch)
There’s a single release to kick off the new year as roguelike Xenon Valkyrie+ arrives on Nintendo Switch.
PS Plus Member Free Games
- Portal Knights (PS4)
- Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion (PS4, Vita — Cross-Buy)
January’s free games for PS Plus members include a pair of RPGs: Portal Knights and the Flames of Rebllion version of Fallen Legion.
Sales and Discounts
The North American PlayStation Store’s big Holiday Sale continues until Tuesday. Titles on sale include Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Fallout 76, Sunless Sea, The Surge, Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Fairy Fencer F, Lords of the Fallen, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Minit, and Songbringer, plus various others.
Meanwhile, the European store’s January sale is running and set to continue for another couple of weeks. The many RPGs on sale include Bloodborne, Blue Reflection, Call of Cthulhu, Dark Souls, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Divinity: Original Sin II, Dragon Quest XI, Earthlock, Fairy Fencer F, Fallen Legion, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy, God Eater 2, .hack//G.U., Hand of Fate 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Kingdom Hearts, Neptunia, Ni no Kuni II, Persona 5, Shenmue, South Park, Tales, Tokyo Xanadu, Trails of Cold Steel, Valkyria Chronicles, Victor Vran, Yakuza 6, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Ys VIII, and many others.
There is one more day to take advantage of the Xbox Store’s Countdown Sale that includes Assassin’s Creed, Banner Saga 3, Bastion, Borderlands, Dark souls, Dragon’s Dogma, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Lords of the Fallen, Monster Hunter: World, Moonlighter, Romancing SaGa 2, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Sword Art Online, The Elder Scrolls Online, Skyrim, The Witcher 3, and Valkyria Chronicles 4, plus others. Meanwhile, a pair of RPGs appear in its weekly sale: Asdivine Hearts and Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom.
The new American Nintendo eShop deals include Elminage Original, Etrian Odyssey IV, Etrianb Odyssey V, Final Fantasy Explorers, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, Golf Story, Octopath Traveler, Persona Q, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, Radiant Historia, RPG Maker Fes, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survior 2, Shin Magemi Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, Shining Resonance Refrain, Stella Glow, The Alliance Alive, Valkyria Chronicles, and Valkyria Chronicles 4. Meanwhile, some deals carried over into this week include Adventure Bar Story, Adventure Labyrinth Story, Alchemic Dungeons, Anima: Gate of Memories, Atelier Lydie and Suelle, Drancia Saga, Fairune 2, Full Metal Furies, Mercenaries Saga 2, Mercenaries Saga 3, Moonlighter, Nights of Azure 2, and One More Dungeon. Europe gets a New Year Sale that includes Anima: Gate of Memories, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, Atelier Lydie & Suelle, Nights of Azure 2, Octopath Traveler, Shining Resonance Refrain, and Valkyria Chronicles 4.
The current Steam sales include Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Blackguards. has a big XSEED sale including Trails of Cold Steel, Ys, Trails in the Sky, Zwei, Xanadu Next, and Little King’s Story. Finally, The Humble Store has deals on Mount & Blade, Earthlock, and Fallout 76.
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