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3 Responses

  1. I’ll assume again that I posted my question too late to be addressed in this episode. If you have answered this, just disregard it:

    I recently realized that I’ve had my copy of Tales of the Abyss for 3DS sitting around unplayed for eight years. It’s a longer period of time than between the original PS2 release and the 3DS port’s release (six years). To turn this into a question, what unplayed game has been sitting in your collection the longest? Do you think you’ll be getting around to it any time soon?

  2. Krull Krull says:

    I assume Iā€™ll be too late for the next Q&A, but…

    What are the weirdest RPG battle systems youā€™ve seen? Any unusual but seemingly forgotten mechanics you feel deserve to be revisited and refined by modern developers? (Coughs… The World Ends With You…)

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